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House GOP Asks: Where are the Jobs?

In a web video, released as it was reported that the US lost another 467,000 jobs in June, House Republicans shine a spotlight on several wasteful projects bankrolled by the taxpayer-funded trillion-dollar “stimulus” and underscore the lack of jobs created by the massive spending binge.
And according to CNN, Democrats are all over the map about what happened with the stimulus, and what to do next:

ACOSTA:  It’s an issue that dogged the President all the way to Russia where Mr. Obama clarified statements made by his own Vice President on the recession.

VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN:  There was a misreading of just how bad an economy we inherited.

ACOSTA:  Not exactly, according to the President.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  I would actually, rather than say “misread,” we had incomplete information.

ACOSTA:  Who still believes the stimulus was the right call.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  There’s nothing that we would have done differently.


And just yesterday, as South Carolina's unemployment sits at a historic 12%, the Government Accountability Office issued a report showing that stimulus funds are not flowing to areas who are the hardest hit by the recession.  Republicans warned that this would happen when the stimulus was passed, and that is why we proposed a pro-growth stimulus of fast-acting tax cuts to help small business create jobs.  Instead of helping our country get back on its feet, all the Administration and the Democratic Congress has done is make Washington bigger, wasted taxpayer money, and piled more debt on the backs of our children. 

Posted by Brown Staff (07-09-2009, 10:46 AM) filed under Economy